Measureland Constitution. Part II. Privacy policy.

We believe in Users-are-not-for-sale web.

Here we describe what we do with your data in the vastness of Measureland.

Summary (tldr):

We are collecting and storing only the data you provide us with (plus a few technical things) and using within our service only. No selling.

What do we collect?

  • Information you provide. Measureland is based on user reviews. Parts of reviews are: ratings, comments, locations - we store it (and display it to other users) on our servers as well as components of user profile: username, email, letters you send to us and so on.
  • Some of your actions. By this statement we leave an opportunity to collect some service usage information, but we generally prefer to not track or collect any user actions. Learn more.
  • Technical details. We may collect some information about the network connection and hardware.

How do we use what we collect?

  • Share your reviews with users of Measureland. Since our service is based on reviews, it’s essential that we allow other users to see information submitted by you. You can affect other users’ reviews, so can they.
  • Communicate with you through email. We can send you letters once you provide us with your email address. We won’t spam. It’s needed to verify users, prevent abuses, notify about important changes and so on.
  • Process, analyze, improve, impact the world. With the growth of the Measureland there could appear opportunities to make the world a better place. We may conduct research. Also analyzing different sorts of data can help us improve our service in a non-countable number of ways.
  • Protect service/users from threats. Collecting technical details like IP-addresses can help us to prevent different sorts of attacks.

Do we use cookies?

We may. In our case they are used for smoother user experience or not used at all. In any case, we don’t store any valuable data there.

Do we sell or share your data with anyone?

No. We don’t sell users data to anyone or use any third-party technologies that could do it. If you think that third-party we use went down a crooked path, please, contact us. Here’s a full list of third-party tools we use that can collect/process some parts of data.

How is the service being supported then?

Measureland is financed by its developer RomanistHere (Roman Smunyov). We don’t intend to make money from it, though in the future we can announce some monetization strategy. If you want to support our project, we’re on Open Collective - it’s the most transparent way to do so.

Are we going to change this policy?

Probable. Growth of the service could lead to changes, but don’t worry, we will notify you before it happens (in case of major changes) via email.

What about child privacy?

Measureland is not intended for children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are under 13, please do not provide any information in Measureland.

Last changes: December 8, 2021